S4:E9. Swatch: Peace Fleece DK/Sport Weight



Sherri, host, knitter, spinner, weaver, and active in the Kansas City fiber arts community.

You can find Sherri as
TangledThread on Ravelry
Instagram: geminatepodcast

Tamara, co-host, knitter, knitwear designer, hiker, mom.

You can find Tamara as
tammo on Ravelry
Instagram: tamaramoots and tallgrassknitting
Blog: www.tamaramoots.com
Ravelry Designs: http://www.ravelry.com/designers/tamara-moots
Etsy Shop (Knitwear Designs, Stitch Marker Sets, Knitting Tool Kits and more): Tallgrass Knitting
Sign up for her newsletter here

Projects: Current, Finished, Fantasy and Wearing


  • Current. Working on a new top-down cabled cardigan out of the Peace Fleece DK/Sport weight we are discussing this episode. She's working in the colorway Sakhalin Salmon which is a beautiful orange-red with nubs of yellow and bright pink. 
  • Finished. A gift Hot Chocolate Hat knit in yarn made out of a friend's sheep. 

Topic of the Show: Peace Fleece DK/Sport Weight

In this swatch, Sherri and Tamara talk about Peace Fleece DK/Sport Weight (75% Navajo Rambouillet & Domestic Fine Wool, 25% Mohair) from Harrisville Designs. They both really enjoyed learning more about the story of this yarn and swatching with it. Tamara loves it so much that she already cast on a new top-down cabled cardigan design out of it and is dreaming of the perfect shirt to wear with it. Here are links to two of the things Sherri and Tamara talked about in the episode - The Peace Fleece Story and the Peace Fleece blog post about swatching this yarn and how it changed after being wet-blocked. 

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