Episode 4B: Uncurling Scarves


Sherri, host, knitter, spinner, and fosters dogs.

You can find Sherri as
TangledThread on Ravelry
Instagram: geminatepodcast

Tamara, co-host, knitter, knitwear designer, hiker, mom
You can find Tamara as
tammo on Ravelry
Instagram: tamaramoots
Blog: www.tamaramoots.com
Knitwear Designs: http://www.ravelry.com/designers/tamara-moots

Knitting Question: How do you keep a scarf from curling?

Tamara's been trying to keep scarves from curling since early on in her knitting. She talks through what she's learned about not curling from her long ago Striped Scarf she gave up and lined with fleece to her scarf patterns Vincent and Amy PondGrand Canyon ScarfWhydah Scarf and Amaranth Scarf.

Sherri talks about weaving scarves too.


First Hat of 2020. Started knitting Thistle Cap by Liz Abinante but the basket weave cable didn't show in the yarn. Then tried Latu by Meiju K-P and the regular cable didn't show either. Made up a lined hat starting from the top down like we learned. However searched on Ravelry for a similar pattern for people that aren't ready to make things up as they go and found The Perfect Double Hat by Outi Haapanen available for free. 

Tactical error. Going to the DMV with no knitting.
Had to restart that Top Down Layering Tunic. Again. Because the yarn she picked looks to be discontinued. She may still knit it because she loves the yarn but can't use it as a sample design so it is in Time Out for now.
That second Malachite Shawl out of the Green Lantern Dream in Color Jilly. Tried to invent a new stockinette stitch triangle shawl. Turns out there is a good reason there aren't any out there already. She's given up for now and turned it into a Malachite Cowl instead. 

Inspiration and Fantasies

Ribbon Wrap by illitilli.
Pioneer Braid Scarf by Catherine Ryan. The name “Pioneer Braid” was inspired by a quilting pattern of the same name.
Oak Park by Laura Aylor. 

The color green. Bright, neon, happy green. Noticed on the drive here that everything is drab and grey and lifeless and she really needs some bright green yarn in her life right now.

Showcase and Reviews

Sherri and Tamara talk about Zoe's Bag Boutique out of Colorado. Talked a lot about the Kipster (Knitting In Public) bag because Sherri and Tamara both have one and love it! Also mentioned her Large Kipster bag, her Deep Scribe Pen and Pencil bag and her Flatie Jr bag. Plus that her blog mentioned that one of her pouches made it into the Gear Guide of a recent Kniscene Winter edition which is pretty cool.

Podcast Announcements

Join Geminate Podcast group on Ravelry and follow us on Instagram at geminatepodcast.

Tag us on Instagram using #geminatepodcast and #gp20hats2020 and #gp20in2020

Ravelry board on the Geminate Podcast for "20 Hats in 2020". 

Check out the Ravelry board for a thread about Scarves. 

At The Table

Betty Rae's Ice Cream


On the Horizon

Planet Comicon. March 20-22, 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri.
KITH (Knitting in the Heartland). April 17-19, 2020 in Overland Park, Kansas. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, Ann Weaver and Patty Lyons are all teaching classes this year!
Ply Away. April 14-18, 2020 in Kansas City, Mission at the Crown Center.
KAWS. May 1-3, 2020 in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Leading edge textile artists as speakers and teachers. This year it will be a joint conference with Missouri Fiber Artists (MoFA)!

Local Fact

The ice cream cone became popular at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis Missouri. The story goes that an ice cream vendor ran out of dishes. The next door vendor selling thing waffle pastry rolled one of his waffles into a cone and gave it to the ice cream vendor. (The actual idea was patented the year before in 1903 in New York but didn't become popular right away.) Or at least that is one of the stories. There are lots of others too. 

There are still some buildings standing from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis that you can visit. The fair's Palace of Fine Art now houses the Saint Louis Arts Museum and the fair's administrative building is now known as Brookings Hall at Washington University. The coolest one is the Smithsonian Institute built a Flight Cage for the fair (huge walk-through steel structure) and this is now the Aviary at the St. Louis Zoo! 


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